To make your support even more concrete you can:

  • finance a specific project by choosing one of our projects and inserting the reference to the project in the reason for the transfer (IBAN: IT53 M08304 01850 000050302139) or online donation ;
  • promote fundraising during weddings, baptisms, funerals or other occasions: please contact us and we will be able to prepare personalized information on the initiative;
  • propose one of our projects at school and finance it with your pupils or classmates;
  • supporting the children of the escolinhas remotely through our partners CEFA and Apibimi

Your donations will help to make Mozambique’s future better, by reaching children, women, patients, community organizations and local institutions in many sectors of intervention.

PS: The payments are deductible from the tax return, but to do so we need your data: please contact us by mail or phone and we will be happy to prepare the declaration.

Find out which other projects you can contribute to!


Our Consortium does not only deal with education and health: we carry out projects that can improve other aspects of life in the communities of Caia and Beira, for example the development and marketing of agriculture, environmental sustainability, access to credit and reduction of discrimination.
You can contribute to all our projects: CAM proposes cooperation initiatives between communities, in Mozambique and in Trentino, promoting the sustainability of local development and dialogue among peoples.

See the projects we’ve made so far and find out how you can contribute!