CAM was born within an experience of decentralized cooperation between Trentino and Caia district in Mozambique. This experience started in 2000 as part of the local human development program (PDHL) that UNOPS (United Nations Organization for Project Services) was managing in Mozambique with funding from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE). Following a request from civil society, the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) adheres to the PDHL because it sees in this programme the possibility of experimenting with a new approach to cooperation based on the construction of territorial partnerships and the establishment of relations between decentralized entities and subjects of civil society of the two territories.
During the start-up phase, the programme was coordinated by a Trentino association (Sottosopra) that promotes the establishment of a working table made up of different subjects of Trentino community (Table Trentino with Mozambique). In 2002 the coordination passed from Sottosopra to a consortium, the Consortium of Associations with Mozambique (CAM), consisting of five members of the Table. Progressively, the key instrument to facilitate the participation of the Trentino society, evolved: the table was divided into thematic working groups linked to the areas of intervention of the multi-sectoral programme in Caia district (socio-educational, community radio, socio-health, rural development, microcredit, urban development planning, water). Over the years a network of subjects who support and / or collaborate with the CAM has also been emerging.
From its constitution until 2016 the identity of the CAM coincided with the multi-sector community cooperation programme “Trentino in Mozambique – Mozambique in Trentino” that the Consortium coordinated with and on behalf of the Autonomous Province of Trento in Caia district.
Starting with the three year period 2016-2018, in addition to Caia programme, new initiatives have emerged that aim to relaunch the precious background of relationships, experiences, skills built over 15 years of work, with a broader geographical reference horizon both in terms of action (city of Beira, city of Nampula and other areas of Mozambique), that of reference subjects (funding from the Italian Foreign Ministry, the EU, international partners …).
Fundamental stages of the birth and growth of CAM, from 2000 to today.
- 2000: a delegation of the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) and some volunteers visit Caia district to start the programme. Decentralized cooperation actions are developed between Trentino and Mozambican partners in agreement with the Government of Sofala Province.
- 2001: on June 30, 2001, in Trento, the PAT and the Province of Sofala sign a Cooperation Protocol within the PDHL – UNOPS: the first development projects are launched. The two realities unite with the common intent of strengthening relationships, friendship and partnership between the territories.
- 2002: on 6 November 2002, CAM (Association Consortium with Mozambique) is born.
- 2004: first institutional visit of the President of PAT in Mozambique.
- 2005: the Cooperation Protocol is renewed on 23 September 2005. The “Escolinhas” and “Microcredito” projects start. Since October 2005 the Trentino Table with Mozambique meets regularly to understand the needs of Caia District, to take stock of the situation, and to put in place new ideas to be implemented in relation to ongoing projects.
- 2007: the President of Mozambique, Guebuza, visits Trento. A Trentino delegation goes to Mozambique and the Caia Community Radio is inaugurated. The projects “Mbatikoyane” (health promotion association), “Cuidados Domiciliarios” (home health assistants/ carers) and “Casa de Saude” (center for raising awareness on health issues) are launched.
- 2008: inauguration of the “Semeando Futuro” Agro-Zootechnical Training Center with the participation of the PAT President.
- 2010: the “Caixa Financeira de Caia” (a rural non-profit bank) is inaugurated with the participation of an institutional and private delegation from Trentino.
- 2011: the 10th Anniversary of the programme is celebrated with a delegation from Sofala Province visiting Trentino. The agreement to start the new district hospital in Caia is also signed. Visit of the “Trentino CON” evaluation team.
- 2012: commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the peace agreement with the Mozambican Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation visiting Trento. The drafting of the “District Plan for Land Use” is concluded and the District Hospital of Caia is inaugurated. A multi-sector team composed of technicians from Sofala Province is created to evaluate the support of the entire programme in Caia.
- 2014: a delegation from Sofala Province visits Trentino, the Mozambican Minister of State Administration also takes part.
- 2016: the “Solid Urban Waste” project in Beira is launched and also the project on support for sesame, vegetables and honey in Caia. The evaluation of the multi-sectoral program in Caia, is presented by Punto.Sud.
- 2018: starts the EducaMoz project with TDH Italia.
- 2019: the project Limpamoz takes place in a contest of great evolution in the sector of solid waste management in Mozambique.
- 2020: with the outbreak of Covid-19, CAM has implemtented awarness and prevention activities related to the dffusion of the virus. In addition, it has developed an emergency reconstruction programme after the descrution caused by the IDAI typhoon.
- 2021: the organization proposes activities to control and prevent the spread of colera.